Thursday, February 17, 2011

Japanese Kids Have the Cutest Clothes

while in japan, i noticed that their little offspring have an awesome selection of clothes. from the normal to goth punk (i kid you not) these kids have it all. one my favorites happen to be from Miki House, this shit is like stuff you dress your kids in if you wanted to give birth to a stuffed animal instead of a human baby.

caption probably says: make child adorable like obedient plushy doll

i'd kidnapp a kid just so i could dress 'em up in this thing

i would probably wear these if it came in normal human sizes
they even have cute shit for boys!

maybe i have a furry fetish?
 wait, no. plushy stuff on 8 & under cute. plushy stuff on 8 & up creepy, sad, needs attention
seriously, this is so cute it makes me want to vomit

1 comment:

  1. No one can deny this fact!! Japanese kids do have the cutest clothes around the blog. Even the Japanese kids are cutest among the cute looking infants.
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