Thursday, July 7, 2011

Why Parents Shouldn't Be On Facebook

A couple months ago I went up to Santa Barbara to do my pal Katherine's makeup for her engagement pictures. It was a very last minute thing that came up and well I didn't want to do the drive from LA to SB solo. I had just gone up to do another wedding and was kinda burnt out & needed company for this trip. So I figured could make a day of it & I took along my friend Su who had the day off & was happy to have a play day!

To cut to the chase, we ended up having a fun day. Filled with seafood and bloody marys by the docks, some walking around State St, silly touristy pit stop in Solvang to grab candy & ice cream, topped off with an awesome pasta bolognese pared with red wine at a great little hole in the wall in SB for dinner.
 i hate licorice but this was for my boyfriend
 such cute little dresses!
you know, touristy shit in solvang

 best bloody marys ever in santa barbara! i could go for one now
Su & her ice cream

Ideally, it was kind of the perfect date! But well with two pals instead. So I jokingly posted on her facebook page:

"Had so much fun on our girl date! Must do it again!"

Here's where lost in translation begins. Her korean dad sees this and comes to the conclusion that:

1- my daughter has turned gay & is all about the scissor sister action now
2- it's been too long since we've visited our daughter, we've not done our proper parenting skills & now she's gay

which now has resulted in a very Engrish text from her dad:

"What's up buddy? Is there very warm? How is doing men?"
this is NOT Su's dad but some random stock photo, 
i expect her dad to look more like an older Sulu from Star Trek
 preferably wearing the Star Trek uniform too

BTW, parents should also not text.

Anyhow, now my pal has her parents assuming she has a gay lifestyle here in wild & crazy LA, and they are planning to drop in & visit her sometime next year to check up on things. Part of me really wanted to mess with her poor dad more. But then that would result in my friend probably suffering from many  more visits.

So seriously, if you can prevent it, DO NOT LET YOUR PARENTS ON FACEBOOK, do not teach them how to text! Give them your old shitty phones, and keep them in a simpler more parent friendly time.


  1. HAHA I love this post! So glad you had a good time in Solvang but sorry that this happened to poor Su!

  2. lol, such a fun post, must be fun...I totally love this post

  3. Katherine, it makes for a good story, so i'm not sorry it happened!

    Vasu, thanks! glad you enjoyed it!

  4. LOL, I could definitely see the same thing happening with my (Russian) dad :)
