the other day i was working on a shoot at a studio.
during a lull in the day, i went to touch up my face (since i ended up having one client at the crack of dawn unexpectedly call me to rush over and do her makeup). anyhow, at that point the manicurist comes into the ladies room and says "ahhh makeup time huh?" then disappears into a stall.
now this is where it gets a little awkward. especially since she acknowledged me just before
"grunt fest 2011" started. seriously she was in there making noises like a guy lifting 500 pound weights.
it would have been acceptable if she was wearing this outfit
i swear at one point she even said "uhhh! come on!" followed by a good manly "uHhhhhAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHhhhh". i even thought for a second that she could joking but she wasn't, all the matching sounds of plopping were right there with it.
guys, let me say to you. most women don't do this. in fact most women don't even take poos. we pretty must pee & crap like birds. all in one quick two-toned swirly drop & that's it, done. so don't be alarmed boys, this is absolutely out of the ordinary.
anyhow, i didn't stick around to finish my makeup or to listen to her finish her epic grunt solo. maybe it wasn't epic to her tho? maybe this was just like any other poo? shit, i dunno. i just hope i'm not on a job with her again. i couldn't even talk to her after that.